Well guys, so the year is finished! It's been a long year, and we have worked very hard. Now it is time to relax and make the most of the holidays :)
Now I give a piece of advice to all of you, both for the people that have to do the exam in September, and for the people who don't. Enjoy your holidays, but try to find some time to revise. Remember that learning a language is like practising a sport: the important thing is perseverance.

You select your mother-tongue (lengua nativa), the language you want to practise, and your level. Then, you look for people you can talk to. Normally, you'll talk to English speakers who want to learn Spanish: that way, you do each other a mutual favour. I used it a few years ago and it's really, really good.
If any of you finds any other interesting website during the summer, please post it in a comment and we can all use it.
Finally, I'd like to tell you all again that it's been an absolutely real pleasure to spend this year with you. Next year I'll be at the Escuela in Roquetas de Mar, but you can still follow my blogs and contact me through e-mail. You can write to me to ask for advice, for material, or simply to let me know how everything's going!! I'll be really happy to have news from you :)
Have a great holiday!