Ana Bueno - E.O.I. Basic Level 2: Week 25

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Monday, 16 April 2012

Week 25

Hello everyone!

Last week we came back from our Easter holidays. I hope you come full of energy! We only have the last months of the course in front of us!

On Monday you told me about your holidays, and then we talked about the similarities between our nazarenos and the members of the Ku Klux Klan. We read a text that told us that there wasn't any relationship at all between them. After that, we learnt about different Easter traditions in other countries in the world.

KKK vs. Semana Santa

Finally, we talked a little bit about Multiple Intelligence Theory and different learning styles. If you want to listen to the audio again, click here. Below you have the transcription.

Learning Styles TRANSCRIPT

Maybe you can use some of these strategies in your own learning! Apart from the quiz we did in class, you can learn a bit more about what type of learner you are by doing the quiz here. And here you have some ideas to help you studying depending on your type of intelligence (NOTE: Tactile refers to bodily-kinaesthetic). You can apply this to you, and also to your students!

On Wednesday we had one hour with Leah and you talked about the political organisation of the United States. I was surfing the Internet to look for information about that and I found some very curious laws! Below I post a few of them. Believe it or not, they are still in law books today, but some of them are absolutely ridiculous!!! :) - For a whole list, check this link.

In Ohio it is illegal to get a fish drunk.
In Tennessee, it is illegal to drive if you are asleep.
In Indiana, it is illegal to dress Barbie in Ken's clothes.
In Kentucky it is illegal to paint your lawn red. Any other colour is fine.
In Florida unmarried women can be jailed if they parachute on a Sunday.
In Miami, it is illegal to imitate an animal.
In Los Angeles, it is illegal to tell a customer you are really an actor.
In Pennsylvania, it is illegal to put a dollar on a string and pull it away when someone tries to pick it up.
It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.
A pregnant woman can legally urinate anywhere she wants, including if she requests, in a policeman's hat.
In York it is legal to murder a Scotsman within its ancient city walls but only if he is carrying a bow and arrow.
In Toronto in Canada, it is illegal to drive a street car on a Sunday if you have been eating garlic.
In France it is illegal to name a pig Napoleon
In Iceland, it is illegal to blow on lampposts.
In Hong Kong, a woman can kill her husband if he has cheated on her. She must use her bare hand though.
In Samoa, it is illegal to forget your wife's birthday.

On Friday we talked about awkward (strange) social situations: we learnt some expressions to use in different situations and we also watched a video in which a man was in a pretty uncomfortable situation... :P Then there was a powercut/blackout (this is the second time this has happened to us!!), so we corrected some homework.

Two of the exercises were about verbs that were followed by (i) infinitive with to; (ii) infinitive without to and (iii) -ing. Click here for a revision of this and here to do an activity online.

When the light came back, we watched two recipe videos that you have in the entry before! I had planned to do the song with most votes as well, but there was no time. We'll do it today :)

See you later!

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