Ana Bueno - E.O.I. Basic Level 2: October 2013

Latest posts

Thursday, 24 October 2013

On public speaking

Hi there,

I've just come across this article on "public speaking", which is -fortunately- becoming an important matter for educationalists in Spain.

Why is "public speaking" taught in British schools but not in Spanish ones? What are the consequences of this? Read the article to find out...

¿Por qué los colegios ingleses enseñan oratoria y los españoles no?

Monday, 14 October 2013

Want to stretch your English writing skills?

If you want to improve your writing skills, try one of these fun writing activities!

  1. Write a story that is made up of 26 sentences, where each sentence begins with a different letter of the alphabet. The first sentence will start with “A”, the second sentence will start with “B”, and so on.
  2. Practice using the common suffix “-ion” by writing a paragraph that includes at least 15 words that end in “-ion”.
  3. Write a sentence that contains no nouns.
  4. Write a sentence that contains four nouns, three verbs, two adjectives, and one adverb.
  5. Write a sentence in which each word only has one vowel in it.
  6. Write a sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet at least once.
  7. Write the longest sentence that you can – without using the letter “e”.
  8. Write a paragraph about your most valued possession, using as many possessive pronouns as possible (my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, their, and theirs).
  9. Write a dialogue between two people with as many questions as possible.
  10. Write down the lyrics of one of your favorite songs. Then use formal English formatting and language to transform those lyrics into a business letter.
Taken from ESL Basics

Friday, 11 October 2013

New blog!

For all of you who were following this blog, please visit the new version at

Make sure you visit the section called: "How to use this blog".

You can register by e-mail entering your address on the box on the right. That way you will receive all the updates and new posts on your e-mail account.

Thank you!

New blog!

For all of you who were following this blog, please visit the new version at

Make sure you visit the section called: "How to use this blog".

You can register by e-mail entering your address on the box on the right. That way you will receive all the updates and new posts on your e-mail account.

Thank you!

Thursday, 10 October 2013

Emphatic structures; Oklahoma tornado; stereotypes; Lonely Planet

Hi there!

You might not believe it, but we've nearly had a month of lessons already!

Today I post our first entry in the blog. I'll regularly try to post a brief summary of what we've been doing in the lessons but, most importantly, I'll publish extra material with which you can practise at home and expand what we do in class.

We've already finished Unit 1 about cities, and now we've just started Unit 2, on culture and identity. We've learnt plenty of vocabulary, and we've also revised perfect tenses and emphatic structures. If you want more information on the latter, please check this link.

In Unit 1 we watched a video about recovery after a natural disaster. I post it below in case you might want to watch it again:

We also had a session on urban legends. Check the video below about the 25 most popular urban legends still being told!

In Unit 2 we've already done some interesting activities on stereotypes and the relationship between language, culture and identity.

Here I post a video about how Madrid is described in the Lonely Planet guide. Do you agree with the image given of the Spanish capital city?

Have a great weekend and see you on Tuesday!

How to get your point across in Spain

Hi there,

I've just found this very interesting article on how we communicate in Spain. I believe the writer manages to capture many of our cultural features, and how we display them in communication... or doesn't he?

How to get your point across in Spain

What do you think of the image given of the Spanish? Do you agree with the way we are portrayed? Feel free to post a comment below!

Revision of tenses; personality adjectives; relationships

Hi everyone!

Here you have the first entry of the year! I'll regularly post a summary of what we've done in class but, most importantly, I'll also post extra material to consolidate and to expand what we do in the lessons.

We've already advanced quite a lot and are almost finishing Unit 1! These days we've been revising tenses, question formation and auxiliaries. As for vocabulary, we've talked about relationships and also personality.

If you want to continue revising English tenses, try the following exercises online:

  • Revision of tenses 1: here you have exercises with pairs of tenses (present simple vs. present continuous; past simple vs. past continuous; past simple vs. past perfect, etc).

Below you have some other useful personality adjectives!

Finally, here I post two listenings about relationships, and also a video about "how to prepare your relationship for a baby":

  • Video: Click here for some activities before you watch the video. You mainly have vocabulary and expressions. Then watch the video below and take this quiz!

For next Wednesday remember you have to write a composition:

How has my life changed in the last 10 years? Include aspects related to:

  • Appearance
  • Personality
  • Work or Studies
  • Hobbies
  • Family & friends
250 words; Times New Roman, 12; 1.5 interlining; deadline 16th Oct 23.59h

Have a nice weekend and see you on Monday!

Monday, 7 October 2013

42 Idiom Origins

If you are a "word nerd", check out the following video: the origin of 42 idioms explained in under 10 minutes!

Saturday, 5 October 2013


Hi everyone!

I've finally set the blog in motion again! :) Make sure you check the section "How to use this blog" to make the most of it!

I intend to make this blog a place where we can all communicate and share ideas, impressions and materials that may be useful for all of us. Apart from that, we'll try to keep a record of what we do in class every week.

In the following days I'll publish the first entry with a summary of what we've been doing in the first weeks of the course.

Welcome aboard, guys! :)

Friday, 4 October 2013


Hi everyone!

I've finally set the blog in motion again! :) Make sure you check the section "How to use this blog" to make the most of it!

I intend to make this blog a place where we can all communicate and share ideas, impressions and materials that may be useful for all of us. Apart from that, we'll try to keep a record of what we do in class every week.

In the following days I'll publish the first entry with a summary of what we've been doing in the first weeks of the course.

Welcome aboard, guys! :)

Thursday, 3 October 2013

What to do with new vocabulary

Hi there,

Yesterday in class we talked a little bit about what to do with all the vocabulary that comes up in the reading texts and the extra handouts I give you.

From the Advanced Level onwards we still learn some grammar, but basically we'll revise what you already know and we'll mainly focus on your vocabulary to polish and refine your English. Get used to using a highlighter to mark all the new expressions you come upon. After each unit, revise everything you highlighted and copy it to your notebook. That way you'll revise your vocabulary after every unit and studying won't be so hard at the end of the year.

I know it takes time, but believe me, it's really, really worth it, and you'll be more than happy to have that list for the final exam in June. And for all your subsequent years learning English. Take my word :)
